首部IMAX海下立体电影,为拍摄此片,水下摄影师携带重达近4吨的专用装备,下潜到了南澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚以及印度洋海域,历时110天、潜水350小时,首次成功采用IMAX 3D 摄影机在水下进行冒险拍摄。3D的视觉效果让观众与地球上最独特、最危险、最色彩斑斓的生物零距离接触,体验一次难得的深海旅行。
Our solar system was the first to attract humans and filled their souls with awe and fear. At the same time brave minds had been curious about its nature and kept speculating about the universe and its objects. However since the birth of modern science and technology, the true nature of universe has been known and at this point of time, universe is so huge that our hearts are filled with awe and reverence more deeply than our ignorant ancestors felt. This is a wonderful, magical and fascinating phenomena spread over the unimaginable vastness and this documentary takes us to its journey thanks to modern CGI technology wrapped into 3D art that works better with our imagination.
On the outskirts of Barcelona, a farmer and his herd live next door to a hi-tech lab that does animal testing. The farmer—who is suffering from a bone disease—witnesses the disappearance of his profession, while the scientists are busier than ever. With humour and elegance, Fauna intertwines the world of humans, animals and science during pandemic times. 源自:httpswww.visionsdureel.chenfilm2023fauna