预告片中,每个成员都在制作各自的节目:Tiffany将打造名为《Tiffany X》的频道;《Beauty & Body Show》的Yuri美美地涂著唇蜜,笑容可人;秀英和徐玄分别带来《今天穿什么》和《老小的双重生活》;Sunny的节目是《明朗少女挑战记》;《Yum Yum TV》的润娥和《Self Master》的太妍对著摆满一桌子的甜品, 露出幸福的表情;孝渊则大跳动感热舞,节目名为《Private Home Life》。
After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly. Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s supervisor have cooked up a horrifyingly depraved conspiracy that endangers both the young and the old…
当《DC 超级英雄女孩》、《末日军团》、《少年悍将 GO!》遇上氪星远古女神,会擦出何种火花?当然免不了一番大乱斗!在氪星护身符的加持下,雷克斯路瑟伙同超级恶棍,绑架了地球上所有的超级英雄。如今,只有超级英雄女孩能与末日军团抗衡了。这群女孩必须穿梭于各个次元,从幻影空间救出其他英雄。然而,混乱当前,她们误入了另一个宇宙,陷入混淆之中,难辨正邪。这场 DC 宇宙的传奇战役,能否守护地球逃过一劫?