Edwin and Netta with their two children, Adam and Sekar going to Netta's hometown at Temanggung. Netta were suspected as the cause of Lampor terror at her hometown, a demon who bring a flying casket.
電影一世紀,妖魔鬼怪亂銀幕也一世紀,從恐龍怪獸豆泥模型,到生動又恐怖特效化妝,到數碼特技革命搞怪搞得呼風喚雨,其實是人類借助千年神話,開發想像力的大功告成。想知怪物嚇人真相,兩個怪物頭號粉絲三年來孜孜走訪數十特效工作室,直擊傑出搞怪大師,《異形》《小魔怪》《未來戰士》《侏羅紀公園》《星河戰隊》等等怪物創作過程獨家披露,看創作者與怪物的激越關係,看怪物粉不離不棄old school 精神。巨大怪物情意結發「神」功,很像一部《科學怪人》哩!
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimentation. In present-day America Detective O'Connor (Parker Posey) is investigating a series of horrific murders which leads her to the doctor and his creature. What she uncovers reveals the strange evolution the doctor and his creation undergo over the course of two centuries and the divergent paths creator and monster take in pursuing good or evil.
在玛丽·雪莱的小说两百年后,才华横溢但疯狂的医生使他自己和他的怪物从两个世纪前的当初的实验一直幸存下来。如今,美国探员 O'Connor 在调查系列谋杀案时,被引向了医生和他的怪物,并揭露出在长达两个多世纪的漫长岁月中,医生和他作品间的奇特演变和他们踏上善与恶的不同道路。
故事发生在二次世界大战刚刚结束之际,德国在战争中败落,大部分德军沦为战俘,被送入了战俘营中。在位于列宁格勒近郊的一间战俘营中,新来了一批德国战俘,负责看守他们的是一群英姿飒爽的俄国女人,她们的直系上司是巴普洛夫将军(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)。
娜塔莉亚(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)是一名军医,她的丈夫因为在战争中受惊过度而精神失常,为了保护丈夫,娜塔莉亚不得不答应巴普洛夫将军的要求,来到战俘营,试图找出隐藏在俘虏之中的党卫军战犯。在这所阴森恐怖的战俘营中,无论是守卫还是囚犯,其身心都收到了战争所带来的深深的创伤,随着时间的推移,两方人马的立场和关系开始渐渐变得微妙起来。
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.
After being implanted with a microchip that gives him special powers, a dog engages a young boy in conversation and adventure. Befriended by a local police officer, the dog, the boy and his friend go on a quest to save the world by undoing the insidious plot of an evil scientist to turn all kids into mindless robot