An inspirational story honoring the life and legacy of Hollywood legend, Sidney Poitier. Sidney premieres September 23 in theaters and on Apple TV+.
From producer Oprah Winfrey and directed by Reginald Hudlin, this revealing documentary honors the legendary Sidney Poitier and his legacy as an iconic actor, filmmaker and activist at the center of Hollywood and the Civil Rights M...
A documentary based on the memoir written in 2017 by Sid Luft, the third of Judy Garland's five husbands, about their years together, during which he was involved with her film A Star Is Born and her career as a concert performer.
电影取材自50年代连续杀人魔Ed Gein的真实事迹。
几个年轻人——Sally (玛丽莲·伯恩斯 Marilyn Burns 饰) 、Franklin (保罗A. 普泰 Paul A. Partain 饰)、Jerry (阿伦·丹齐格 Allen Danziger 饰)、Kirk (威廉·韦尔 William Vail)和Pam (泰瑞·麦克明 Teri McMinn 饰),驾驶房车驶入荒漠中的德州特拉维斯镇。途中,一个满身伤痕、丧魂落魄的搭车人(埃德温·尼尔 Edwin Neal 饰)。勾起了他们的好奇心,他们在他的带领下进入一幢阴森大屋试图弄清真相。大屋被一股神秘、恐怖的氛围所笼罩,仿佛有一双眼睛始终在窥视着他们的一举一动。正当这群年轻人惊恐万分、不知所措时,电锯声骤然而起,他们最后的噩梦随之降临……
在德州某屠宰场,肥胖的女工正在案板切肉,突然感到腹中剧痛,原来身怀有孕的她羊水已破,产下一个畸形儿,遗弃在垃圾箱,后来被清洁工救起。N年后,一群年轻人驾车路过这里。刚从越南前线归来的艾瑞克(马修?波莫 Matthew Bomer 饰)刚与未婚妻克莉希(乔丹娜?布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)团聚,就得知弟弟迪恩(泰勒?汉德雷 Taylor Handley 饰)又要去前线,他本想陪弟弟共赴沙场。但迪安在女友贝莉(迪奥拉?拜尔德 Diora Baird 饰)的劝说下准备将入伍证烧掉,他们为此产生了争执。这时,他们遭到了飙车党挑衅。后来,为首的女孩竟然被警察击毙。警察霍伊特(R?李?艾尔米 R. Lee Ermey 饰)拦住了他们的车子,把他们带到了令人毛骨悚然的屠宰场,开始了惨无人道的折磨……
Gondolen is a multi-plot film about a young writer from Stockholm possessed by his theory on light and darkness- a metaphor for people connecting. We follow him and four other characters who through their own vanity and various conflicts eventually prove his theory to be right.