Latin History for Morons: John Leguizamo's Road to Broadway captures John's quest to cram 3,000 years of history into 90 minutes of stage time and bring a whole new set of historical characters back to life as one man. Infused throughout the documentary is John's special brand of humor and openness. The road to his ultimate goal - his next Broadway hit - unfolds in a fun, intri...
John Mulaney relays stories from his childhood and Saturday Night Live (1975), eviscerates the value of college, and laments getting older in this comedy special. Other topics include the church, his family, Trump and pedophiles abducting kids.
The Falls, about the doomed romance between Mormon missionaries RJ and Chris, was a festival hit last year. If you wondered about those characters, never fear, director Jon Garcia follows that up with the sequel, The Falls: Testament of Love.
故事发生在一艘名为“契约”的殖民太空船之上,飞船上搭载了两千名进入沉睡的殖民者,他们的目的地是遥远的欧米伽六号行星,希望能够在那里建立新的家园。一场意外的发生令契约号的能量收集帆遭到了破坏,船长布兰森(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)亦不幸身亡。作为代理船长的欧朗(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)带领着惊恐而又悲伤的船员们降落到了一颗未知的神秘星球上。
在这里,他们遇见了仿生人大卫(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰),大卫热情的接纳了人类的到来,并讲述了他和已故的肖博士(劳米·拉佩斯 Noomi Rapace 饰)在这里生活的经历。就在大卫渐渐赢得了船员们的信任的同时,大家已经一步一步的走入了前者为他们精心打造的地狱之中。