Follows Bear Grylls after a plane crash in the ice ravaged mountains, where he finds himself with amnesia and tries to save himself and the pilot from the harsh winter elements.
故事发生在1988年的德国,汉斯(萨沙·亚历山大·吉尔萨克 Sascha Alexander Geršak 饰)和迪特(亚历山大·吉尔 Alexander Scheer 饰)抢劫了位于北威州格拉德贝克的德意志银行,并且劫持了两名银行职员作为人质,带着他们一起踏上了逃往的旅途。
很快,负责此案的迈泽警探就展开了对于汉斯一行人的追捕。为了钳制警方,汉斯的女友玛丽昂(Marie Rosa Tietjen 饰)又劫持了一辆载有三十名乘客的公交车,来帮助男友脱离警方的追捕。因为歹徒手中的人质数量众多,导致德国警方迟迟无法下手,引来了舆论和媒体的不满,与此同时,迪特在一次意外中射杀了年仅14岁的少年曼纽埃尔,这场死亡事件将整个故事推上了高潮。
Baikal is the oldest, the deepest and the purest lake on the planet. But it's not only that - Baikal is an ideal model of our world, as it shall be. Everything is possible here: to walk on water, to touch the sky, to talk with the universe. Baikal is our hope and our future. It's a film about the thirst, about the eternity and about all of us. The genre is epic documentary. The aim is to change the world.