The tragedy and comedy in Carlo's life begins, grows and ends like the tragedy and comedy of Portugal. In the company of his close friend, João da Ega, allegedly a brilliant writer, Carlos, with his idle existence as an aristocratic doctor, spends his time to enjoying friends and lovers. Until he falls in love. She is a new character in this revolutionary novel. It's a vertiginous passion that goes beyond that past gloominess to reach a new and darker abyss, incest.
Young university student Hugo (Gustav Lindh) falls in love with promising violinist Agnes (Evin Ahmad), but something happens that changes his life completely. Moving on, the story turns into a romantic drama-comedy with great portions of humour and warmth, as Hugo ends up at Circus Margôt and is drawn into that absorbing existence.
一天,骑兵队的吉姆(理查德·威德马克 Richard Widmark 饰)找到了自己的老友,小镇警长麦凯(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart 饰),求他帮自己一个忙,去解救曾经被印第安人绑架的人们,最终,两人成功的救下了男孩快狼(David Kent 饰)和一个名为爱莲娜(雪莉·琼斯 Shirley Jones 饰)的女子,哪知道这一举动竟然招致了石牛(伍迪·斯特罗德 Woody Strode 饰)的不满和追杀,最终,石牛被麦凯击毙了。 回到据点,快狼和爱莲娜并不受当地人的欢迎,处处遭到排斥,只有善良的麦坎雷太太(珍妮特·诺兰 Jeanette Nolan 饰)愿意收留快狼。随着时间的推移,麦凯渐渐的爱上了坚强的爱莲娜。