贝拉(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)与爱德华(罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 饰)历经磨难终于踏进了婚姻殿堂。婚 后爱德华和贝拉去艾思蜜岛上渡蜜月,度过了一段快乐的时光。不久贝拉发现怀孕,蜜月提前结束。狼族担心胎儿会对族人构成威胁决定除掉它。雅各布(泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner 饰)为保护贝拉离开狼族,连夜警告库伦家。胎儿生长迅速令贝拉吃尽苦头。爱德华不忍看她受苦希望她放弃孩子,但贝拉却坚持要生下。分娩当晚,贝拉大量失血,在她命悬一线之际,爱德华将装有自己吸血毒液的针管插进贝拉心脏。另一边王族也注意到了这个新生儿,一场撼动吸血鬼、狼人和人类世界的对决正悄悄来袭......
在远离喧嚣的崇山峻岭之中,原始密林中央,贝拉(克里斯汀·斯图尔特Kristen Stewart 饰)与爱人爱德华(罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 饰)以及友人们展开难得的幸福生活。贝拉正在学习控制体内躁动的吸血鬼欲望,因为她即将面对那个她和爱人共同孕育出来的小生命蕾妮斯梅。一切都得到修复与改善,小女孩在父母长辈的呵护下快乐成长。但是她们离群索居的秘密最终被艾瑞娜(玛姬·格蕾斯 Margaret Grace 饰)窥见。
In this 6 part series, the real life agents of NCIS reveal how they investigate crimes involving fraud, hacking, and murder. Rocky Carroll, who plays NCIS director Leon Vance on NCIS, narrates these episodes, which aired on April 25, May 12, and May 23-June 13, 2017, all of which except for May 12 being on Tuesdays.
Part One:
It starts with a ping. What unravels is a frightening campaign of harassment which threatens to tear apart the lives of young women from across the UK. Desperate for it to stop, they search for answers.
Part Two:
A shock revelation takes the investigation to a small town in Cheshire. As key evidence mounts, one police officer is determined to bring the suspect to just...
Pan-African founders of entertainment company Kugali made their dream reality by creating an original animated series with Walt Disney Animation Studios. This special filmed across three continents shares their inspirational journey.