故事发生在二战时期的一个美国沿海小镇,八岁小男孩Pepper(雅各布·萨尔瓦提 Jakob Salvati 饰)天生矮小瘦弱,为此没少受同龄人欺负,还被取绰号为“小男孩”(little boy)。他最好的朋友兼搭档,就是自己高大魁梧的父亲詹姆斯(迈克尔·拉帕波特 Michael Rapaport 饰)。在父亲的教导陪伴下,Pepper渡过了一段美好的时光。直到父亲应召入伍,投入到第二次世界大战的战场中去。
就在Pepper期待父亲回家时,噩耗传来,他的父亲在菲律宾被日军虏为战俘,生死未卜。而此同时,Pepper和他哥哥London(大卫·亨瑞 David Henrie 饰)将战争仇恨发泄在镇上的一个日本人桥本身上,为此兄弟俩都接受了相应的惩罚。神父为了教育Pepper,将一个“古老的清单”交给他,只要他把清单上的任务都完成,他就能拥有可以移动大山的信念和力量,从而就能把他的父亲从二战战场中带回来。这个清单的其中一项,就是和日本人桥本成为朋友……
Cuba, the mid-80s, anyone diagnosed with HIVAIDS is sent to a military-run internment camp. Former boxing champion Horacio Romero is assigned to be a personal warden--companion--to troublemaker patient Daniel. Despite their initial distrust and ignorance, the two form a platonic bond that leads them to be better men. The Companion shows the stigma associated for those with HIVAIDS in the early days of the epidemic--gay and straight. This eye-opening drama finds friendship and compassion during a little-known chapter in Cuban history.
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phenomena of a violent and hostile nature. Bewildered and desperate, Richard enlists the aid of a paranormal investigator who confirms that Sarah has become possessed by a powerful demon. Together, the three men will go to battle to save Sarah's soul.